Friday, October 01, 2010

Building a network, one site at a time.

At it again, working on getting everything configured and up on running on both this blog, and my Think Tandem home page (  This includes getting all my long form content from Recumbent and Tandem Rider Magazine (my Tandem Lifestyle column and other reviews) updated and posted, along with all the background information from older iterations of Think Tandem.

You can also see that I blog for the Hoosiers Out on Tandems, the HOOTS, at , (with 160 tandem team members) an organization I also administer, and part of the Central Indiana Bicycle Association (  That also led to my being the webmaster for the 2010 Midwest Tandem Rally (

Of course (full disclosure) there are all the posts I write for Bicycle Garage Indy ( and BGI Fitness ( as the Marketing Manager.  And my wife Linda is also helping there with fitness related content.  You will find those all linked in the blogs I follow.

And then there is the Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Flickr and other stuff that gets managed.  I really have to diagram it all out to keep it scheduled.

On top of all this, it has been an interesting year for tandeming in our family.  Our sons Tyler and Justin have outgrown the stokid label now that they are both over 6 feet tall.  They will still ride, but have other interests they pursue in high school.   Linda was very focused on triathlons this year, and this required a refitting of our faithful Sovereign to her new riding style.  Bottom line, it will be my lowest tandem mileage year since 1980.  That encompasses over 40,000 tandem miles, and while not in the Rudy & Kay league, probably puts us in the 90th percentile of tandem experience.

Stay tuned, a lot of new stuff coming in the weeks and months ahead.

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